I have just finished reading a slightly older Twitter thread involving storage of passwords in clear text format in the database by one of the largest mobile network company in Austria. This enraged me enough to go an write this blog post.

What bothers me more than practicing this, is the very apparent lack of sense of security by their employees, stating how their system is “amazingly good”, and that no one could breach their defenses. This makes me wonder, how can one even think that? How can one even make such a statement after admitting they are storing passwords in clear text format? Well, after a little bit of examination, I came across this image, proving that their awesome security is in fact a big fat lie. PHP version 5.1.6, released back in 2006, long since reached End-Of-Life. Kernel version of the server, 2.6.18, also released back in 2006. And yet they try to convince us that their 12 year old software is “amazingly good” secure. Yeah, I’m going to take a ‘no’ on that.

Even if their software was up-to-date and “amazingly good” secure, this is still no excuse to store your passwords in clear text format. Another fact that the employees of T-Mobile Austria seem to not know about. Even if you are capable of guaranteeing that no one could breach your security, how can you guarantee that some employee who has access to the database, and gets laid off on some unfair terms for them? How can you guarantee they wont make a copy of the database, and dump it out somewhere on the internet? There are countless more possible scenarios, but lets just leave it at, no system is ever secure enough that you could store sensitive information in plain text format. Period.

There is literally no excuse you can use to store such sensitive information in plain text. There is even no valid reason why you would need to be able to re-use the users authentication information. User should know this to authenticate themself against their product, and this is it. No, encrypting passwords is also not OK. You should salt and hash them with a strong algorithm that will not be brute-forced by a pocket calculator. Yes I am looking at you MD5 and SHA1.

With this I will end my rant, and hope that I will be able to provide a better reading material the next time. Until next time!